Travels and Tours · 23/03/2021

Travelling in Europe

And with the Schengen it is very easy to travel around,…
Schengen visa. let me explain what Schengen mean,

what is Schengen? It is European countries that implement Schengen agreement, a Schengen visa simplifies your travel between those countries.

And with the Schengen it is very easy to travel around,

At present, these are the 15 Schengen countries in EUROPE:

  2. Belgium
  3. Denmark
  4. Finland
  5. France
  6. Germany
  7. Iceland
  8. Italy
  9. Greece
  10. Luxembourg
  11. Netherlands
  12. Norway
  13. Portugal
  14. Spain and
  15. Sweden.

Those are the Schengen countries.  

How to Apply for Schengen Visa? Individuals from Non-EU(European Association), Non-EEA(European Monetary Region) nations who wish to visit Europe as sightseers, and who require a visa to enter the Schengen region, are essentially expected to get a typical Schengen Visa from the International safe haven/Office ofthe Schengen country they mean to visit first. First figure out which Schengen country you are intending to visit. Then, at that point, to get your visa, you need to submit expected records to the international safe haven or department of the country you are visiting in the Schengen region. Assuming that you intend to visit more than one country in the Schengen region, the visa will be given by the country through which you enter the Schengen region. After this, they might visit any or all of the Schengen nations as travelers or for business without prevention. They are not expected to get independent visas for all the (Schengen) European nations they wish to visit. Requirement document for Schengen: Your Schengen visa form You should utilize the standard record provided by an international safe haven or department and present the necessary number of duplicates. Passport An identification, legitimate for no less than 90 days longer than the mentioned visa. Some other useful documents 1) Have some documents that describe your purpose of visit.2) Proof for your means of existence (financial proof) for the duration of your stay3) Proof of Stay. (Hotel Reservation etc)4) In some cases proof of medical insurance.


Even though you can travel with one visa between Schengen countries, it is always safe to carry your passport and any other identification with you. A few nations like Sweden Finland actually keep up with customs control at their boundaries. Non-EU individuals Norway and Iceland are not a piece of the EU customs association and subsequently implement a similar degree of custom control towards any voyager whether or not they come from inside the Schengen region or not. I feel much more comfortable in Europe because people respect each other and the set up are difference, people respect who you are, what you do, specially if your legal and you don’t involve in illegal activities , I know all countries are not the same and Europe is a continent not a country, i will be posting or sharing to you each trip i will be making, as i do said, traveling i really education and life time experience that will always remained in our life good or bad.